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The Miraculous Quran: Scientific Truths Unveiled Centuries Before Modern Discoveries

 The Quran contains verses that astonishingly align with modern scientific discoveries, revealing insights not known at the time of its revelation. 

One such verse describes the development of the human embryo, detailing stages that were only discovered centuries later. 

Another remarkable verse speaks of the expansion of the universe, a concept that aligns with contemporary astrophysics.

 The Quran also mentions the water cycle, emphasizing its integral role in sustaining life on Earth long before modern science outlined its complexities. 

Furthermore, it refers to the protective layers of the atmosphere, which shield life from harmful cosmic rays, a fact confirmed by modern science. 

The Quran also highlights the importance of mountains in stabilizing the Earth's crust, a concept that geologists have only recently begun to fully understand.

 Moreover, the scripture discusses the existence of barriers between salt and fresh water, underscoring an ecological phenomenon recognized by scientists today.

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