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Shakeup at WWE: McMahon Resigns Amid Lawsuit Drama

Vince McMahon has officially stepped down from his role as the Executive Chairman of TKO, the parent company of WWE.

Shakeup at WWE: McMahon Resigns Amid Lawsuit Drama

 This decision comes in the wake of an explosive lawsuit filed by a former WWE staffer, Janel Grant, accusing McMahon of multiple instances of sexual assault. McMahon, a wrestling legend at 78, maintains his innocence and has chosen to resign in the best interest of the wrestling promotion he founded several decades ago.

In a statement, McMahon expressed his decision as a measure of respect towards the WWE Universe, TKO business, its board members, shareholders, partners, and all the individuals who contributed to making WWE a global leader. While McMahon was not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of WWE, he held a significant role within TKO Group Holdings, which acquired WWE in 2023.

Current WWE president Nick Khan, communicated McMahon's resignation to employees in a late Friday email, confirming that McMahon would no longer have any role with TKO Group Holdings or WWE.

The unexpected shakeup follows a federal lawsuit filed by Janel Grant in Connecticut, accusing McMahon of engaging in degrading sexual acts, including an incident where she alleges McMahon defecated on her during a threesome in 2020—Grant claims she endured the situation due to fear of retaliation against her career. According to Grant, McMahon later distanced himself in 2022 after his wife, Linda McMahon, became aware of their alleged relationship.

Grant further asserts that McMahon agreed to pay her $3 million in exchange for signing a non-disclosure agreement, but she alleges he failed to fulfill the entire payment. McMahon vehemently denies the allegations, describing the lawsuit as "replete with lies" and a "vindictive distortion of the truth."

The lawsuit also implicates former WWE executive John Laurinaitis. The situation is still developing as more details emerge.

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