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Mama June Faces Custody Battle Over Anna Cardwell's Daughter

 Mama June finds herself entangled in a custody dispute, facing legal action initiated by the biological father of Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's youngest daughter, Kaitlyn.

Mama June Faces Custody Battle Over Anna Cardwell's Daughter

 In recently obtained legal documents, Michael Cardwell, who previously took custody of Anna's other daughter, Kylee, following Anna's untimely death, is now seeking custody of 11-year-old Kaitlyn.

Michael asserts that despite not being Kaitlyn's biological father, he played a significant parental role in her life during Anna's lifetime. According to the documents, Anna supported and fostered his relationship with Kaitlyn even after their separation. Michael, who has already taken custody of Kylee, claims he has been contributing to Kaitlyn's upbringing, including covering her educational expenses.

Mama June, in response, expresses her readiness to face the legal battle, although she claims not to have been formally served with any legal papers yet. She underscores Kaitlyn's desire to remain with her and her husband, Justin, insisting that any change in custody would go against the child's wishes. Mama June, who took custody of Kaitlyn after Anna's passing, was in the process of seeking legal guardianship.

According to Mama June, Anna had expressed her desire for Kaitlyn to live with her, and Mama claims that Michael was aware of this plan. Michael, however, contends that Kaitlyn's biological father has never been involved in her life, asserting that Mama June's inconsistent presence and the complex history between Anna and her mother should disqualify her from assuming the parental role.

Amidst this familial dispute, Mama June voices her concern for the well-being of the girls, emphasizing the emotional toll they are enduring after losing their mother to cancer. Despite the past conflicts and inconsistencies, Mama June questions the necessity of putting the girls through a custody battle, highlighting the shared loss of their mother.

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