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Keep Your Cool (Everywhere)

Keep Your Cool (Everywhere)
When it’s hot out there, it’s not always so hot down there. With heat comes annoying gyno trouble. Watch for these top offenders.
Keep Your Cool (Everywhere)
THE PROB Women who ride are likelier to report UTIs, per a recent study. Sitting in one position for hours in no breathing spandex
gives bacteria a home to lounge in, says Thomas Gaither, MD, a researcher at the University of California at San Francisco.

THE FIX doesn't push through bathroom urges—pull over and take a break to go. “Peeing flushes out bacteria in your urethra,
preventing infections.”

THE PROB Hanging out in a damp suit post-dip could lead to more yeast and urinary tract infections, says NYC gyno Alyssa Dweck, MD. “Bacteria and yeast thrive in moist, dark places like a wet bikini.”
THE FIX Bring extra bottoms to the pool or beach and change into them as soon as you can. Prone to yeast infections (you get a few a year)? A daily probiotic can keep your pH on point.

THE PROB Running and outdoor workouts get sweatier in the heat, which means your Sweating clothes can stick to your vulva and create irritation. Plus, dripping sweat can also move bacteria from your rear to
your vagina. Eek.
THE FIX Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on areas that chafe, says Dr. Dweck.
It helps fabric glide over skin, and the oil creates a barrier to sweat, reducing the drip factor.

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